Enjoy my twist on a tradtional Simnel Cake. This cake is richly fuited and soaked in a breatuiful, delicate mixture of lemon juice and tea. This cake contains a thick layer of delicious home made marizipan in the centre and is decorated with 11 balls of the marzipan on top. Traditionally these represent the 11 apostles less Judas.
Simnel Cake
Plain Flour, Eggs, Raisins, Tea, Butter, Almond Paste (Ground Almonds, Sugar, Vanilla Extract) Sultanas, Caster Sugar, Dried Cherries, Dried Apricots, Dried Cranberries, Walnuts, flaked Almonds, Pistachios, Ground Almonds, Dried Blueberries, Lemon Juice, Lemon Zest, Salt.